评分:10 分
用户名:反衬 评论时间:2007年9月28日 |
Good,after watching the short flash,a lotof thoughts appear into my mind.Although I am not able to understand all the passage,I have known what I will do in the future.So big and modern company that I have never seen.I hope that one day I can enter this company.I will try my best to achive the goal.I belive I will do my best to learn knowledge in the university. |
用户名:ekowang 评论时间:2016年6月3日 |
上海易初电线电缆有限公司!期待与您的合作! 我司主营 机器人电缆 抗扭曲的电缆 柔性电缆 拖链电缆 伺服动力电缆线 编码器反馈电缆线 联系电话:021-68182666-651 联系电话:13651838367 王工 欢迎来电咨询 腾讯企业QQ:2880655712 邮箱:2880655712@qq.com |
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