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At CST, we are convinced that we need to create value not only for our Customers, Employees, and Shareholders but also for Society. As a responsible company we sustainably commit to contribute actively to local communities, local markets and more broadly to the planet. That is why we’ve developed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program structured around 4 key pillars: Environment, Ethic, “Fair Employer”, andCommunity. We proactively act to protect the environment by putting in place an efficient Environment management system everywhere. We proactively promote and respect an ethical way to do business. We deploy rigorously our “Principles of Responsibility”. We behave exemplary as an employer providing the right environment for our employees, promoting diversity (gender, ethnical, social origin),and providing medical coverage to all our employees. And finally as a local and global actor, we contribute to the development of the communities where we operate in America, Asia, Africa and Europe.
  1. 2012/10/26
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  1. 2008/8/12
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