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  1. 2022/6/16
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福禄克fluke Fluke 700 SW DPC/TRACK 软件操作方法
Fluke-700SW DPC/TRACK software includes an instrumentation data-base that makes it easy to manage your instrumentation, create and schedule tests, load and unload the 743, print a variety of standard reports, and manage calibration data. DPC/TRACK is available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Print standard reports automatically. The software assembles pre-formatted reports from your database files, saving time and reducing errors. Reports include calibration certificates, instruments due for calibration, inventory characteristics, calibration histories, calibration procedures, and traceability to instruments touched. User-defined lists enable technicians to select reasons for work, problems found, and actions taken from lists you define. These lists work with your application software to automatically generate a complete record of calibration results and actions that can fulfill documentation requirements for ISO-9000 and other quality regulations. 型号名称描述 700SW DPC/TRACK 软件
  1. 2012/11/12
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CARE术语 CARE=Computer Aided Regulation Engineering 计算机辅助控制设计 1.Plants 2.项目(Projects) 3.CARE功能(CARE Functions) 4.Plant原理图(Plant Schematic) 5.控制策略(Control Strategy) 6.开关逻辑(Switch Logic) 7.时间程序(Time Program) 8.Plant与控制器连接(Linking to Controller)
  1. 2011/4/21
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CARE术语 CARE=Computer Aided Regulation Engineering 计算机辅助控制设计 1.Plants 2.项目(Projects) 3.CARE功能(CARE Functions) 4.Plant原理图(Plant Schematic) 5.控制策略(Control Strategy) 6.开关逻辑(Switch Logic) 7.时间程序(Time Program) 8.Plant与控制器连接(Linking to Controller)
  1. 2011/4/15
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欧盟的技术法规主要是欧盟理事会和委员会制定的各种规范性法律文件,形式有: (1)条例(Regulations):相当于议会通过的法令,公布生效后各成员国必须执行,无需变成本国的立法; (2)指令(Directives):对成员国具有约束力的欧洲经济共同体法律,须使其变成本国的法律,一般给成员国一定的时间开始执行,实施方法各成员国可自行选择; (3)决议(Decisions):有明确针对对象的有约束力的法律文件。例如:CENELEC中的OSM决议,是针对某个具体标准中的具体问题给出的具有权威性的解释。 查看更多
  1. 2009/11/6
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airPenguin –空中企鹅——自动飞翔的机器企鹅. 随着空中企鹅的问世, Festo公司的工程师们创造了人造企鹅,并教会他们“在空中自主飞行”。为此,控制和调节技术进一步发展成自我调节生物机电一体化系统,该系统可以在今后的生产适应性发挥作用。 一组3只自动飞行的企鹅自由盘旋在空中超声发射站监控下的固定区域。企鹅能够自由的在这个空间内移动,因为一个微控制器赋予了他们自由的意志来以开拓这片空间。 autonomously flying robotic penguins With the AirPenguins, the engineers from Festo have created artificial penguins and have taught them "autonomous flight in the sea of air". For this purpose, control and regulating technology had to be further developed into self-regulating biomechatronic systems, which could also play a future role in adaptive production. A group of three autonomously flying penguins hovers freely through a defined air space that is monitored by ultrasound transmission stations. The penguins are at liberty to move within this space; a microcontroller gives them free will in order to explore it.
  1. 2009/10/23
  2. 人气(6024)
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