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北京叠文科技有限公司是一家面向自动化行业,以技术支持、产品销售、技术研发和信 息咨询为主的公司,致力于现场总线PROFIBUS & PROFINET高智能网络诊断、检测设备,以及举办PROFIBUS& PROFINET故障排除技术培训。公司为广大自动化系统应用商、集成商提供技术先进的、高效的、可操作性强的技术平台。同时提供高性价比的定制化解决方案,我们的目标是要成为拥有自动化行业先进的技术检测设备和手段,定制化解决方案的领先供应商。公司承诺为用户提供优质的一条龙售后服务。我们期待着和各 领域所有的用户合作,并为您提供最优质的服务。

Beijing D-Wen Science &Technology Company is a high-tech enterprise that offers professional servicesin technical support, product sales, technology development, and informationconsultation. D-Wen also specializes in PROFIBUS & PROFINET fieldbusnetwork diagnoses, device testing, and provides technical trainings forPROFIBUS & PROFINET troubleshooting. We provide an advanced, highlyeffective, and powerful technical platform for applications in automation systemsand integrators, while providing a great price-performance ratio. Our goal isto become the leading supplier offering advanced testing equipment, methods,and exclusive solutions to the automation industry. We are committed to providean excellent after-sales service to our clients. We look forward to cooperatewith clients from any fields and will provide you with top notch service.

  1. 2013/11/25
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  1. 2011/2/22
  2. 人气(5798)
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连续ARQ协议.自动重传请求(Automatic Repeat-reQuest,ARQ)是OSI模型中数据链路层的错误纠正协议之一。它包括停止等待ARQ协议和连续ARQ协议,錯誤偵測(Error Detection)、正面確認(Positive Acknowledgment)、逾時重傳(Retransmission after Timeout)與負面確認繼以重傳(Negative Acknowledgment and Retransmission)等機制。
  1. 2009/10/27
  2. 人气(6464)
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