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Festo自动化系统工程部门的设备设计工程师可为您提供增值的工程项目解决方案,不仅优化了设备性能,还为您降低了设计、装配和 生产成本。从方案的构想到实施完成,完全为您量身定制。
  1. 2010/4/6
  2. 人气(6261)
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互动壁的出现证明了一种建筑学新形式,它动感十足,互动性好。这一技术把仿生鳍条结构的优势和Festo自动化尖端技术结合起来。互动壁可以按照预先设好的动作程序运转,也可以与游客进行现场互动。它能实时把参展游客的举止转化成动作、光线和音乐。 InteractiveWall – a trade fair system reacts to visitors InteractiveWall demonstrates a new form of architecture that is dynamic and interactive. It combines the advantages of the bionic Fin Ray structure with state-of-the-art automation technology from Festo. InteractiveWall can either follow a predetermined sequence of movements or interact with people in front of it. It transforms the behaviour of trade fair visitors into motion, light and music in real time.
  1. 2009/12/9
  2. 人气(5062)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
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