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InterPAKTecnomeccanic s.r.l. ——德国包装技术博览会(INTERPAK)
包装技术博览会(INTERPAK)!贝加莱公司在全球50多个国家设有跨国分部。凭借在自动化领域三十多年的专注投入和丰富经验,贝加莱始终以“完美自动化”的信念为全世界用户提供高品位的自动化和工控产品以及独特的技术方案。在机械制造业,贝加莱为本土OEM厂商提供了行业应用集成、技术支持和培训服务,赢得了业界广泛信任和业务的持续高速增长,在塑料、纺织、印刷、包装、电子半导体、风力发电及太阳能等领域提供了包含行业软件集成的整体解决方案,在缩短“Time to Market”、降低成本、提升整机性能与竞争力方面为众多战略合作伙伴做出了卓越贡献。同时,在自动化方案研发理念、系统架构及服务理念方面贝加莱也赢得了业界的广泛认同。   在过程控制领域,贝加莱以灵活的架构设计、开放的系统平台、良好的通信连接性、组态的方便性、便于维护和系统高可靠性等优势同样在交通、能源与电力、石油与天然气、水处理等众多领域赢得了信任,为管控一体化、能源优化、综合管理提供了高效的系统软硬件平台。
  1. 2011/11/28
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PROFIenergy - explained simply
Simple mechanisms for a well-designed energy saving concept
  1. 2010/8/13
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工业论坛 第五天,智能楼宇——如何打造舒适环保的绿色楼宇? 在2010西门子工业论坛的第五天,我们的议题聚焦在楼宇、建筑以及西门子为2010上海世博会提供的楼宇科技支持上。8场分会场的讨论围绕楼宇解决方案的绿色能源管理以及节能减排的主题展开。 西门子(中国)有限公司高级副总裁、西门子(中国)有限公司工业领域楼宇科技集团总经理安晓杰先生致开幕词。他向大家介绍了创新在楼宇科技领域中的重要性。在建筑能耗占全球总能耗的40%的当今世界,我们可以说:唯有创新,才有未来绿色楼宇。 社会发展的大趋势如气候变化与都市化的进程,迫使“我们的生产与消耗基本一致。”西门子工业领域楼宇科技集团首席市场官Anand Mechri先生在会议中强调。这也意味着我们在楼宇科技方面的创新将满足我们对未来的需求。他还提到为了更好地了解我们所面临的挑战和机遇,最好我们先规划低碳未来的蓝图。这为西门子追求的绿色未来提供了机遇。Anand Mechri又提到“这一起我们要从今天开始做起。” 同济大学的龙惟定教授随后分享了他在低碳楼宇科技的观点。他说:“节能一定是低碳的,但是低碳的不一定是节能的。”因此,我们要携手共进为节能与低碳的蓝图不断创新,开拓未来。
  1. 2010/5/25
  2. 人气(5981)
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流体肌肉和机械系统相互作用在“气动驾驶”中实现了优良驾驶和飞行的模拟环境。一个并联结构的六足系统使用6块Festo流体肌肉制造出了驾驶和飞行的感觉,犹如身临其境。在这次项目中,气动装置供应商巨头Festo公司证实了一个精密水力机构的替代方案,既吸人眼球,又有成本效益。The interplay of fluidic muscles and mechatronic systems in the Airmotion_ride makes it possible to generate an extraordinary range of driving and flight simulations. A hexapod structure using parallel kinematics, with six Festo fluidic muscles, creates a realistic driving and flying sensation. In this project, leading pneumatics supplier Festo demonstrates an exciting, cost-effective alternative to complicated hydraulic constructions.
  1. 2009/11/29
  2. 人气(5929)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
放飞风筝需要娴熟的技能,Festo公司凭借其“空中自动化风筝”首次证实运用机电学原理可以实现风筝全程自动化控制。这是其在运用流动气流核心技术上的新发展。 “空中自动风筝”包含两个分别用机电控制器操纵的双线风筝。运用伺服电机和人造风,这两个风筝就可以实现室内自动化操作。各风筝线通过快速开关阀连接到Festo公司生产的DMSP射流臂,它可以缩短风筝线的长度。如果风筝断线,通过射流臂收缩风筝线就可以使其平稳飞行。It takes a fair amount of skill to fly a kite. With its Sky_liner project, Festo has become the first company to demonstrate that fully automated control can be achieved with the aid of mechatronics, thus linking a new development to its core competency of automation using moving air. Sky_liner consists of two two-line kites, each of which is controlled using a mechatronic control unit. The two kites are operated automatically indoors, using servo motors and artificial wind. Each line is connected via fast-switching valves to a fluidic muscle DMSP from Festo, which shortens the line and counterbalances the kite by contracting when the kite breaks away. It takes a fair amount of skill to fly a kite. With its Sky_liner project, Festo has become the first company to demonstrate that fully automated control can be achieved with the aid of mechatronics, thus linking a new development to its core competency of automation using moving air. Sky_liner consists of two two-line kites, each of which is controlled using a mechatronic control unit. The two kites are operated automatically indoors, using servo motors and artificial wind. Each line is connected via fast-switching valves to a fluidic muscle DMSP from Festo, which shortens the line and counterbalances the kite by contracting when the kite breaks away.
  1. 2009/11/23
  2. 人气(6901)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
“气动机器人手臂”的灵感来源于自然界。结合机电一体化和人类仿生学模型,机器人手臂彰显了未来自动运动序列新的可行性。 “气动机器人手臂”由机器骨骼和机器肌肉组成。30块肌肉连接带动骨骼移动,包括尺骨、桡骨、掌骨和指骨以及肩关节和肩胛。这种连接技术目前还没有发明出来。 机器肌肉是Festo公司的一个产品,已经广泛应用于工业应用,叫做流体肌肉。这种技术使用了Festo公司的微型创新压力比例阀,让我们能够精确控制设计的力量和硬度。这些执行器与机电一体化系统和软件的技术水平同步。 扩展“气动机器人”的传感器系统也非常合理,就像开发后背、臀部和脖子部位一样,比如安装摄像头或者有感知能力的零件。这些扩展让机器人能够在更加危险的情况下工作发挥了重要作用。 Airics_arm is inspired by nature. Combining mechatronics and the model of human biology, the robotic arm shows new possibilities in automated motion sequences of the future. Airics_arm is equipped with artificial bones and muscles. 30 muscles move the bone structure comprising the ulna and radius, the metacarpal bones and the bones of the fingers as well as the shoulder joint and the shoulder blade; joints that are not found in the world of technology. The muscles are a product of Festo and are already widely used in industrial practice under the name of Fluidic Muscle. This technology, combined with very small and highly innovative piezo proportional valves from Festo, enable us to accurately control the designs forces and rigidity. These actuators are coordinated by state-of-the-art mechatronic systems and software. Extending the system of sensors of Airics_arm, e.g. with cameras or elements for tactile perception, is just as plausible as the development of a design for a back, hip and neck. These extensions will also play an important role in robotics as even more dangerous and hazardous situations in technology could be assigned to them.
  1. 2009/11/20
  2. 人气(10230)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(3)
玩溜溜球需要技巧和耐心。通过YoYo系统,Festo证明了在机电元件的帮助下,加上Festo利用流动空气的核心自动化竞争力,能实现全自动控制。 YoYo由3个独立的溜溜球组成,其规格也各不相同,分别为16, 20 和24。所有溜溜球均采取不同种类的麦克斯韦转轮,每一个均由气动肌腱驱动。 Playing with a yo-yo takes skill and patience. With its YoYo, Festo has demonstrated that fully automated control can be achieved with the aid of mechatronics, thus linking with Festo core competency of automation to using moving air. The YoYo consists of three independent yo-yos of different sizes, 16, 20 and 24. All the yo-yos take the form of Maxwell wheels of various kinds, with each one being driven by a pneumatic muscle.
  1. 2009/11/19
  2. 人气(5941)
  3. 星级(10)
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舞动09 盛世研祥全国巡回推介会-郑州
五月的郑州,初夏时节,清风白云,绿荫如海,为我们展示着一个历史文化名城的深层魅力。 2009年5月22日14点整,大河锦江酒店太行厅迎来了一场同样具有魅力的高科技盛宴,研祥集团“舞动2009 盛世研祥”全国巡回推介会郑州站活动在此隆重举行。来自郑州轨道交通、工业自动化、金融、能源等行业的150余名代表汇聚一堂。一起聆听来自研祥集团整机、ESC、HMI、CPCI四个事业部产品经理的精彩演讲。 郑州雄踞中原腹地,工业体系健全,门类众多。拥有工业企业5万多户,100多个工业门类,形成了汽车、煤电铝、食品等六大优势产业。还是中国铁路、公路、航空、信息兼具的重要综合性交通通讯枢纽。研祥集团针对郑州区域特点,展开了《研祥长征系列整机产品介绍》、《研祥HMI产品介绍》、《研祥EC4-1811LD2NA产品及应用领域》、《研祥CPCI产品及应用》四场别开生面的演讲。同时,本次研讨会还展出了20余款产品,包括主板类:EPI-1711VNA、HSC-1711CLDN、104-1711CLDN、EC3-1541CLDNA、EC5-1712、FSC-1812V2NA、104-1541CLDNA(B);整机:MEC-5003、SPC-0101、IPC-2403、SPC-0102 ;平板电脑:PPC-1502;一体化工作站:EWS-844V 、IPC-8462;机箱:IPC-6831、IPC-6805 ;其他还有PCL-812PG,evoc17、19寸液晶显示器等众多产品。 雄厚的技术实力和丰富的产品种类,打动了在座的各位来宾,大家纷纷表示出对研祥的信心和支持,在来宾的共同期许下,本次推介会取得圆满成功!
  1. 2009/11/16
  2. 人气(5392)
  3. 星级(10)
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空中水母的环境是空气。与水下水母不同,远程控制的水母——空中水母不是在水中游,而是在广阔的空中滑翔,因为它有一个中央电机装置和一个智能听候指令的体系。它能够这样是因为它有一个充满氦气的球形网。 空中水母仅有的动力来源就是连接中央电动驱动器的两个锂离子电池。中央驱动器把动力传输到一个锥齿轮上,然后再传给八个连续的直齿轮,直齿轮通过曲柄带动水母上的八个“触角”。每个“触角”都设计成鱼鳍鳍条结构。把蠕动当做这个球形网的动力到目前为止在空军史上还是空白。空中水母是第一个以蠕动为驱动力的室内飞行物体。这种新型的驱动理念基于反弹原理的助推力,让水母轻轻地在空中穿行。 AirJellys environment is the air. Unlike AquaJelly, the remote-controlled jellyfish AirJelly does not swim through water, but instead glides instead through a sea of air thanks to its central electric drive unit and an intelligent, adaptive mechanism. It is able to do so because it consists of a helium-filled ballonett. AirJellys sole source of power is two lithium-ion polymer batteries connected to the central electric drive unit. It transmits the force to a bevel gear and from there to a succession of eight spur gears, which move the eight tentacles of the jellyfish via cranks. Each tentacle is designed as a structure with Fin Ray Effect . Propulsion of a ballonett by means of peristaltic motion is hitherto unknown in the history of aviation. AirJelly is the first indoor flight object with peristaltic drive. This new drive concept, with propulsion based on the principle of recoil, moves the jellyfish gently through the air.
  1. 2009/11/6
  2. 人气(6322)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
airPenguin –空中企鹅——自动飞翔的机器企鹅. 随着空中企鹅的问世, Festo公司的工程师们创造了人造企鹅,并教会他们“在空中自主飞行”。为此,控制和调节技术进一步发展成自我调节生物机电一体化系统,该系统可以在今后的生产适应性发挥作用。 一组3只自动飞行的企鹅自由盘旋在空中超声发射站监控下的固定区域。企鹅能够自由的在这个空间内移动,因为一个微控制器赋予了他们自由的意志来以开拓这片空间。 autonomously flying robotic penguins With the AirPenguins, the engineers from Festo have created artificial penguins and have taught them "autonomous flight in the sea of air". For this purpose, control and regulating technology had to be further developed into self-regulating biomechatronic systems, which could also play a future role in adaptive production. A group of three autonomously flying penguins hovers freely through a defined air space that is monitored by ultrasound transmission stations. The penguins are at liberty to move within this space; a microcontroller gives them free will in order to explore it.
  1. 2009/10/23
  2. 人气(5723)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
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