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IRC5是ABB的第五代机器人控制器。 Its motion control technology, TrueMove & QuickMove, is key to the robots performance in terms of accuracy, speed, cycle-time, programmability and synchronization with external devices.它的运动控制技术,TrueMove QuickMove,关键是机器人的性能,准确,速度,周期计算时间,可编程性和外部设备的同步。 观看电影可以看到这种行动出色的运动控制。
  1. 2009/12/2
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流体肌肉和机械系统相互作用在“气动驾驶”中实现了优良驾驶和飞行的模拟环境。一个并联结构的六足系统使用6块Festo流体肌肉制造出了驾驶和飞行的感觉,犹如身临其境。在这次项目中,气动装置供应商巨头Festo公司证实了一个精密水力机构的替代方案,既吸人眼球,又有成本效益。The interplay of fluidic muscles and mechatronic systems in the Airmotion_ride makes it possible to generate an extraordinary range of driving and flight simulations. A hexapod structure using parallel kinematics, with six Festo fluidic muscles, creates a realistic driving and flying sensation. In this project, leading pneumatics supplier Festo demonstrates an exciting, cost-effective alternative to complicated hydraulic constructions.
  1. 2009/11/29
  2. 人气(6128)
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2009年11月3—7日,中国国际工业博览会在上海新国际会展中心如期举行,德国倍福盛装参展。 本次展会上,倍福不仅展出了C6650 控制柜工业PC、C6525 无风扇嵌入式工业PC、CU8800 CU8850 USB扩展器等最新产品 ,还开通了专门的产品应用区,让用户可以再了解倍福产品的同时,一并了解其应用情况。通过基于 PC 的控制技术,Beckhoff 可提供适用于几乎所有行业的开放式、通用型自动化解决方案。Beckhoff 的产品范围包括工业 PC、I/O、现场总线组件以及驱动产品和 TwinCAT 自动化软件,它们构成了一套集成式、可满足不同需求的模块化控制系统,该控制系统为与处理能力、复杂性和成本等相关的每项任务提供合适的解决方案。 在倍福展台的产品技术区域,最吸引观众眼球的是XFC极速控制技术(eXtreme Fast Control),它是德国倍福正在推广的控制技术新理念。由于采用了先进的XFC技术,倍福可为您提供一套全新理念的高速控制解决方案,该技术为以前由于受技术限制而无法满足性能要求的用户提供了一种全方位提升控制性能的新理念。XFC代表着一种速度极快且时间确定性极高的控制技术。例如,通过分布式时钟功能可以实现高精度的色标控制。可以通过EtherCAT时间戳端子模块使得高速触摸式探头的输入仅需1μs。 展馆内倍福红色的展台鲜明亮艳,展出的众多新品让人目不暇接,由倍福伺服控制的京剧机器人戏曲表演更是令现场观众赞叹不已,展台人头攒动。产品、新品、应用、技术、以及表演区的展台精彩纷呈,让倍福整场展示可谓“红红火火”。 详细文字报道
  1. 2009/11/20
  2. 人气(5609)
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“气动机器人手臂”的灵感来源于自然界。结合机电一体化和人类仿生学模型,机器人手臂彰显了未来自动运动序列新的可行性。 “气动机器人手臂”由机器骨骼和机器肌肉组成。30块肌肉连接带动骨骼移动,包括尺骨、桡骨、掌骨和指骨以及肩关节和肩胛。这种连接技术目前还没有发明出来。 机器肌肉是Festo公司的一个产品,已经广泛应用于工业应用,叫做流体肌肉。这种技术使用了Festo公司的微型创新压力比例阀,让我们能够精确控制设计的力量和硬度。这些执行器与机电一体化系统和软件的技术水平同步。 扩展“气动机器人”的传感器系统也非常合理,就像开发后背、臀部和脖子部位一样,比如安装摄像头或者有感知能力的零件。这些扩展让机器人能够在更加危险的情况下工作发挥了重要作用。 Airics_arm is inspired by nature. Combining mechatronics and the model of human biology, the robotic arm shows new possibilities in automated motion sequences of the future. Airics_arm is equipped with artificial bones and muscles. 30 muscles move the bone structure comprising the ulna and radius, the metacarpal bones and the bones of the fingers as well as the shoulder joint and the shoulder blade; joints that are not found in the world of technology. The muscles are a product of Festo and are already widely used in industrial practice under the name of Fluidic Muscle. This technology, combined with very small and highly innovative piezo proportional valves from Festo, enable us to accurately control the designs forces and rigidity. These actuators are coordinated by state-of-the-art mechatronic systems and software. Extending the system of sensors of Airics_arm, e.g. with cameras or elements for tactile perception, is just as plausible as the development of a design for a back, hip and neck. These extensions will also play an important role in robotics as even more dangerous and hazardous situations in technology could be assigned to them.
  1. 2009/11/20
  2. 人气(10481)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(3)
“水下鳐鱼”是一种远程控制的水力驱动鱼,它的形状和运动都以鳐鱼为模板。 “水下鳐鱼”的中央驱动和控制单元采取了Festo公司特有的流体肌肉形式,并结合了射线效应——一种基于鱼鳍的功能解剖的设计。这使得模仿自然的鱼鳍推进近乎完美。由于“水下鳐鱼”能够任意移动,可以作为一水压滑翔机或者振翅驱动,节约了大量能源。“水下鳐鱼”的形状和运动的方式让它可广泛用于海洋学领域而不破坏自然环境。Aqua_ray is a remote-controlled fish driven by water hydraulics, the shape and movements of which have been based on the model of a manta ray.The central drive and control unit of Aqua_ray takes the form of a fluidic muscle from Festo, in combination with the Fin Ray Effect®. The Fin Ray Effect® is a design based on the functional anatomy of a fish’s fin. This makes it possible to imitate the fin propulsion of the natural role model almost perfectly. As the Aqua_ray can be manoeuvred extremely well, and can be operated both as a hydrostatic glider and with an active wing beat, substantial energy savings can be achieved. Thanks to its shape and its means of locomotion, the Aqua_ray can be used in wide ranging areas of oceanography without disrupting the natural environment.
  1. 2009/11/12
  2. 人气(6597)
  3. 星级(10)
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通过分析龙虾和蝗虫的腿以及人类手指的形态得到了气动手臂的灵感。它是一个带有外部骨架的两节式桥臂,由气动肌腱驱动。智能控制技术使气动手臂能赶上水滴的速度。 气动手臂在技术上的意图是能够在指定半球状运行范围内延伸到尽可能多的区域。 选择一般技术实践的常规原理,使带气动肌腱的两节式伸缩系统同时反向运行。 AirArm is biologically inspired by analyses of lobsters’ and grasshoppers’ legs and by human pointing gestures. It is a two-segmented arm with an external skeleton powered by pneumatic muscles. Intelligent control technology enables AirArm to catch drops of water. The technical purpose of AirArm is to reach as many points as possible within a hemispherical operating range defined from a specified point in space. A two-segmented flexing system with muscles operating together in contrary motion was chosen as the general principle for technical realisation.
  1. 2009/11/9
  2. 人气(7547)
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立体鼹鼠机在不久的将来会在技术培训中发挥重要的作用。这些备有电脑芯片的立方体可以紧密接连接在一起。鼹鼠机之间可以相互沟通交流。能量和信号从一个立体鼹鼠机传递给下一个,这样也保证了能量的供应以及信号的传递。年轻人可以用这种机器给自己制造的机器人编程。Molecubes – an attractive programmable robotics system Molecubes could play a significant role in technical training in the near future. These cubes, fitted with computer chips, can be successively attached to each other. Each Molecube communicates with all the other cubes; the energy supply and transmission of signals from one Molecube to the next are thereby ensured. Young people can use the Molecubes to build and program their own robots.
  1. 2009/10/31
  2. 人气(6505)
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仿生三角架利用了自然界中鱼鳍的结构,首次将三维空间应用到空中企鹅和水下企鹅项目中,以便实现高效和多方位的自动化。三个可扩展伸缩的金丝玻璃纤维杆降低了需要被替换的量,同时允许最大90度的运动。BionicTripod with FinGripper versatile movement and adaptive grasping The BionicTripod makes use of the bionic Fin Ray® structure, which was transferred to three-dimensional space for the first time in the AirPenguin and AquaPenguin projects for efficient, versatile automation. Three extendible and retractable filigree fibreglass rods reduce the mass to be displaced, while allowing a maximum scope of movement of up to 90 degrees.
  1. 2009/10/29
  2. 人气(6008)
  3. 星级(10)
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2008 年 4 月 21 日,汉诺威工业博览会在德国正式拉开帷幕,德国总理 Angela Merkel 亲临会场,出席此次工博会的开幕典礼,并访问了总部位于威尔的德国倍福自动化有限公司设在“应用区”的展位,参观了基于 PC 的自动化方面的基础和未来技术。德国倍福总裁 Hans Beckhoff 为德国总理 Merkel 详细介绍 Beckhoff 创新的‘XFC-eXtreme Fast Control Technology(极速控制技术)。学物理出身的德国倍福总裁 Hans Beckhoff 先生向德国总理 Angela Merkel 展示其技术亮点 - XFC - 极速控制技术。随总理一行的还有德国教育暨研究部长 Annette Schavan、下萨克森州州长 Christian Wulff, 以及德国汉诺威展览公司董事会主席 Sepp D. Heckmann。“Beckhoff是全球领先的高速机械控制器制造商,由 Beckhoff 引入的 XFC - 极速控制技术能够使控制器的响应速度提高10倍。”XFC 基于优化后的控制和通讯架构,其中包含由 Beckhoff 提供的一台先进的工业 PC、超高速 I/O 模块、EtherCAT以太网系统以及 TwinCAT 自动化软件。这项技术可以提高控制质量、加快机器顺序控制速度,从而使得材料、能源以及生产效率得到显著优化。因此,使用 XFC 技术,在改善生态环境的同时增加生产收益。通过极速控制技术赢得经济发展与生态保护的双赢!
  1. 2008/11/23
  2. 人气(4659)
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