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编程手册Altivar 71异步电机变频器!开始之前 4 文档结构 5 变频器安装步骤 6 出厂设置 7 应用功能 8 设置 – 初步建议 12 图形显示终端 14 终端描述 14 图形显示屏描述 15 第一次通电 - [5. LANGUAGE ( 语言 )] 菜单 18 随后通电 19 编程:参数访问示例 20 快速导航 21 集成显示终端 24 显示屏与按键的功能 24 访问菜单 25 访问菜单参数 26 [2. CONTROL ACCESS ( 访问控制 )] (LAC-) 27 参数表结构 29 参数值之间的相互关系 30 在此文档中查找一个参数 31 [1.1 SIMPLY START ( 简单起动 )] (SIM-) 32 [1.2 Monitor( 监视 )] (SUP-) 40 [1.3 SETTINGS ( 设置 )] (SEt-) 49 [1.4 MOTOR CONTROL ( 电机控制 )] (drC-) 64 [1.5 INPUTS / OUTPUTS CFG ( 输入 / 输出设置 )] (I-O-) 80 [1.6 COMMAND ( 命令 )] (CtL-) 103 [1.7 APPLICATION FUNCT. ( 应用功能 )] (FUn-) 116 [1.8 FAULT MANAGEMENT ( 故障处理 )] (FLt-) 194 [1.9 COMMUNICATION ( 通信 )] (COM-) 211 [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS ( 诊断 )] 215 [1.11 IDENTIFICATION ( 软硬件识别 )] 217 [1.12 FACTORY SETTINGS ( 出厂设置 )] (FCS-) 218 [1.13 USER MENU ( 用户菜单 )] (USr-) 221 [1.14 CARTE APPLI. PROG] 222 [3. OPEN / SAVE AS ( 打开 / 保存为 )] 223 [4. PASSWORD ( 密码 )] (COd-) 225 [6 MONITORING CONFIG. ( 监测配置 )] 227 [7 DISPLAY CONFIG. ( 显示配置 )] 231 [ECRAN MULTIPOINT] 235 维护 236 故障 - 原因 - 修复措施 237 用户设置表 242 功能索引 244 参数代码索引
  1. 2010/8/30
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PROFIenergy – what the Siemens management says
Thomas Schott, head of Factory Automation, on the subject of intelligent energy saving in automation systems
  1. 2010/8/13
  2. 人气(5557)
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PROFIenergy - explained simply
Simple mechanisms for a well-designed energy saving concept
  1. 2010/8/13
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Low Voltage Distribution
Discover our integrated portfolio of products for safe, economical and flexible low-voltage power distribution and electrical-installation technology.
  1. 2010/8/10
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AB PLCRSLogix5000使用入门10别名标签&数据类型
罗克韦尔RSLogix5000使用入门频教程由北京首科力通机电设备有限责任公司刘文志先生录制提供,全部共11讲。RSLogix 5000 Software RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is designed to work with Rockwell Automation’s Logix platforms. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is an IEC 61131-3 compliant software package that offers relay ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart editors for you to develop application programs. Create your own instructions by encapsulating a section of logic in any programming language into an add-on instruction. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software also includes axis configuration and programming support for motion control. With RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software, you need only one software package for sequential, process, drive, motion control, and safety programming.
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(16660)
  3. 星级(7)
  4. 评论(16)
AB PLC RSLogix5000使用入门11 Add-On指令RSLogix5000使用入门11
罗克韦尔RSLogix5000使用入门频教程由北京首科力通机电设备有限责任公司刘文志先生录制提供,全部共11讲。RSLogix 5000 Software RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is designed to work with Rockwell Automation’s Logix platforms. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is an IEC 61131-3 compliant software package that offers relay ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart editors for you to develop application programs. Create your own instructions by encapsulating a section of logic in any programming language into an add-on instruction. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software also includes axis configuration and programming support for motion control. With RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software, you need only one software package for sequential, process, drive, motion control, and safety programming.
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(20668)
  3. 星级(7)
  4. 评论(17)
AB PLC RSLogix5000使用入门9在线编写程序
罗克韦尔RSLogix5000使用入门频教程由北京首科力通机电设备有限责任公司刘文志先生录制提供,全部共11讲。RSLogix 5000 Software RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is designed to work with Rockwell Automation’s Logix platforms. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is an IEC 61131-3 compliant software package that offers relay ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart editors for you to develop application programs. Create your own instructions by encapsulating a section of logic in any programming language into an add-on instruction. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software also includes axis configuration and programming support for motion control. With RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software, you need only one software package for sequential, process, drive, motion control, and safety programming.
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(16354)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(1)
[第4讲]IndraControl PLC控制器_CN-博世力士乐e-learning教程
介绍; IndraControl L–新的控制硬件平台; IndraLogic L40–新的编程系统; IndraWorks–新的工程架构; Sales support:产品入门,SOS,路标 ... PLCopen–功能和概述; Rexroth Inline I/O单元IP20; Rexroth Fieldline I/O单元IP67。
  1. 2010/8/2
  2. 人气(10603)
  3. 星级(6)
  4. 评论(0)
魏德米勒自动化工厂!自动化工厂,顾名思义是涵盖了工业控制标准的3层结构中所涉及的基础和应用产品。而魏德米勒的自动化工厂则包含了魏德米勒接线端子、PCB接插件、HDC产品、电子产品、接线盒、SAI、标记号类和工业以太网七大类,近百种产品。在应用方面,它汇集了当前3大主流控制方式:直连线控制;现场总线;工业以太网,并按工业控制标准的3层结构设计,从而将魏德米勒在各个方面的解决方案呈现在观众的面前。该展板模拟了一个原料处理工艺。受热容器在PLC的控制下,将会依次移动到加热位置,进行加热直至合适的温度,再移动到冷却位置,风冷至预定温度,然后返回初始位置。   该工艺流程虽然简单,但是经过精心设计,能涵盖魏德米勒绝大部分产品线。 查看详细
  1. 2010/7/28
  2. 人气(5184)
  3. 星级(10)
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Protel 2004是Altium公司最新一代的板级电路设计系统,它几乎具备了当前所有先进的电路辅助设计软件的优点。 EDA(Electronic Design Automation,电子设计自动化)技术是现代电子工程领域的一门新技术,它提供了基于计算机和信息技术的电路系统设计方法。EDA技术的发展和推广极大地推动了电子工业的发展,尤其是教学和产业界的技术推广成了当今业界的一个热点话题。EDA技术是现代电子工业中不可缺少的一项技术,掌握这项技术是对电子工程师的一个基本要求。原理图设计、PCB设计、电路仿真等都是EDA技术中的重要内容。Protel 2004囊括了这几大类EDA技术,它是当今PC平台上最优秀的EDA软件之一,也是最早进入中国的电子设计软件之一。多年来该软件以其功能实用、界面友好和操作简便著称,它已经进入我国的航空航天、电子、国防以及家电等领域。它是为中国广大的电子设计工程师所熟悉、所喜爱,并且在国内发展最快、应用最广泛的EDA软件之一。
  1. 2010/7/22
  2. 人气(4857)
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