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  1. 2010/8/10
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  1. 2010/8/9
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PowerPCB是一个优秀的印制电路板设计软件。PowerLogic 5.0和PowerPCB 5.0是Mentor Graphics公司推出的优秀EDA设计软件,目前已成为众多EDA设计软件中的佼佼者,深受用户的喜爱。 新版PowerPCB2007的视窗更简洁,是基于形状化(shape-based)、规则驱动(rules-driven)的布局布线设计解决方案,适合复杂、高速印制电路板的设计应用。PowerPCB2007采用自动和交互式的布线方法,具有目标连接与嵌入(OLE)自动化功能,将前后端的设计工具有机集成,其中包括测试、准备和生产制造等过程。PowerPCB2007支持Microsoft标准的编程界面,使得与其它基于Windows的补充设计工具连接更加方便有效。 为了进一步优化电子制造厂商的产品设计和制造过程,保持设计的完整性,PowerPCB2007具有智能化的属性定义和控制、基于形状化(Shape-based)的全自动布线、禁止区(Keepouts)和切割区(cutouts)、锁定/保护(Lock/protect)导线等功能,确保了设计数据的准确性。其中,PADS Router“快速交互布线编辑器”的功能是交互式布线领域的一次跨越,采用了PADS Autorouter(BlazeRouter)算法,包括推挤功能、平滑布线、自动变线宽、焊盘入口质量和Plowing分等级的布线规则设置等。
  1. 2010/8/9
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如何在PowerPCB 中生成走线层的Gerber文件
  1. 2010/8/5
  2. 人气(7338)
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如何在PowerPCB 中选择high speed 高速验证
  1. 2010/8/4
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AB PLCRSLogix5000使用入门10别名标签&数据类型
罗克韦尔RSLogix5000使用入门频教程由北京首科力通机电设备有限责任公司刘文志先生录制提供,全部共11讲。RSLogix 5000 Software RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is designed to work with Rockwell Automation’s Logix platforms. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is an IEC 61131-3 compliant software package that offers relay ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart editors for you to develop application programs. Create your own instructions by encapsulating a section of logic in any programming language into an add-on instruction. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software also includes axis configuration and programming support for motion control. With RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software, you need only one software package for sequential, process, drive, motion control, and safety programming.
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(16660)
  3. 星级(7)
  4. 评论(16)
AB PLC RSLogix5000使用入门11 Add-On指令RSLogix5000使用入门11
罗克韦尔RSLogix5000使用入门频教程由北京首科力通机电设备有限责任公司刘文志先生录制提供,全部共11讲。RSLogix 5000 Software RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is designed to work with Rockwell Automation’s Logix platforms. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is an IEC 61131-3 compliant software package that offers relay ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart editors for you to develop application programs. Create your own instructions by encapsulating a section of logic in any programming language into an add-on instruction. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software also includes axis configuration and programming support for motion control. With RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software, you need only one software package for sequential, process, drive, motion control, and safety programming.
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(20668)
  3. 星级(7)
  4. 评论(17)
AB PLC RSLogix5000使用入门9在线编写程序
罗克韦尔RSLogix5000使用入门频教程由北京首科力通机电设备有限责任公司刘文志先生录制提供,全部共11讲。RSLogix 5000 Software RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is designed to work with Rockwell Automation’s Logix platforms. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software is an IEC 61131-3 compliant software package that offers relay ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart editors for you to develop application programs. Create your own instructions by encapsulating a section of logic in any programming language into an add-on instruction. RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software also includes axis configuration and programming support for motion control. With RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series software, you need only one software package for sequential, process, drive, motion control, and safety programming.
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(16354)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(1)
如何在PowerPCB 中生成平面层的Gerber文件
  1. 2010/8/3
  2. 人气(5926)
  3. 星级(6)
  4. 评论(0)
[第4讲]IndraControl PLC控制器_CN-博世力士乐e-learning教程
介绍; IndraControl L–新的控制硬件平台; IndraLogic L40–新的编程系统; IndraWorks–新的工程架构; Sales support:产品入门,SOS,路标 ... PLCopen–功能和概述; Rexroth Inline I/O单元IP20; Rexroth Fieldline I/O单元IP67。
  1. 2010/8/2
  2. 人气(10602)
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