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At CST, we are convinced that we need to create value not only for our Customers, Employees, and Shareholders but also for Society. As a responsible company we sustainably commit to contribute actively to local communities, local markets and more broadly to the planet. That is why we’ve developed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program structured around 4 key pillars: Environment, Ethic, “Fair Employer”, andCommunity. We proactively act to protect the environment by putting in place an efficient Environment management system everywhere. We proactively promote and respect an ethical way to do business. We deploy rigorously our “Principles of Responsibility”. We behave exemplary as an employer providing the right environment for our employees, promoting diversity (gender, ethnical, social origin),and providing medical coverage to all our employees. And finally as a local and global actor, we contribute to the development of the communities where we operate in America, Asia, Africa and Europe.
  1. 2012/10/26
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新汉-行业计算机领导品牌,为您解析新汉无风扇行业专用机NISE系列和平板电脑APPC系列。 NISE 系列,可应用于工业自动化、轨道交通、机器视觉、自动售检票,机械自动化等,并有宽温宽压、高扩展性、更小尺寸、低价Atom 架构等系列产品。更有基于Sandy Bridge及全球领先技术的Ivy Bridge平台的最新产品发布。 APPC系列平板电脑采用一体化全功能于一身,集成了单板计算机,LED显示屏,是一个紧凑、高度集成网络和更多I/O连接的计算机。前面板采用IP65防护等级保护做到真正防水防尘。专为工厂,交通等行业设计。 新汉致力于为您提供最佳行业解决方案。
  1. 2012/10/19
  2. 人气(2920)
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  1. 2012/10/16
  2. 人气(2725)
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ABB在食品和饮料行业的解决方案-蔬菜食用油!ABB Solutions for Vegetable edible_oils Every Thing Controlled
  1. 2012/10/12
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ABB在食品和饮料行业的解决方案-糖 !ABB Solutions for Sugar Every Thing Controlled.
  1. 2012/10/12
  2. 人气(2760)
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ABB在食品和饮料行业的解决方案-酿酒厂!ABB Solutions for Distillery Brewery Every Thing._Controlled
  1. 2012/10/12
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ABB在食品和饮料行业的解决方案-乳制品!ABB Solutions for Dairy Every Thing Controlled!
  1. 2012/10/11
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新汉无风扇平板电脑MPPC 2120T-gongkong《行业快讯》2012年第34期(总第53期)
新汉近日推出一款无风扇多媒体平板电脑MPPC 2120T,21.5"垂直对齐(VA)液晶触摸屏,LED背光,采用双核运算性能,为您带来非凡的超大屏超广角视觉体验。有效促进了用户与数字标牌和自助服务界面之间互动,为用户带来更好体验。
  1. 2012/10/11
  2. 人气(3975)
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分析数据之监测与生成报警_NI LabVIEW基本任务系列视频
LabVIEW基本任务系列视频。监控过程变量,如发动机温度或传动轴的旋转速度,对于自动化进程来说至关重要;因为它可在控制算法中构建逻辑,并可在必要时关闭系统。该视频教您学习监控输入信号(过程变量)并在变量超过阈值时点亮NI LabVIEW软件中的虚拟LED指示灯。
  1. 2012/10/10
  2. 人气(3958)
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SEE Electrical教学视频之自动成图
法国IGE+XAO SEE Electrical V6R1 专业电气设计软件 .领先全球的专业电气设计软件SEE Electrical V6R1是继SEE Electrical V5R1后的最新版本,它不仅仅具有V5R1所有的功能,而且产品库更加完善、功能更加强大、操作更加人性化。
  1. 2012/10/3
  2. 人气(24080)
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