Beckhoff 通过新一代嵌入式工业 PC 进一步扩充其工业 PC 产品线:最新的 C65xx 系列专为安装在控制柜中或控制面板或控制台后部而设计,具有极大的灵活性。通过将工业 PC 集成入现有的机箱中,该解决方案外形设计极为紧凑,另外还能在控制柜的前面进行高度灵活的按钮配置,添加扩展选件。C65xx 系列工业 PC 有一个散热片,用于从外部散热,通过在控制柜的面板中一个适当的开口达到环境温度。C65xx 系列采用的是一体化密封件,防水、防尘,防护等级达到 IP 67。
Airics_arm is inspired by nature. Combining mechatronics and the model of human biology, the robotic arm shows new possibilities in automated motion sequences of the future.
Airics_arm is equipped with artificial bones and muscles. 30 muscles move the bone structure comprising the ulna and radius, the metacarpal bones and the bones of the fingers as well as the shoulder joint and the shoulder blade; joints that are not found in the world of technology.
The muscles are a product of Festo and are already widely used in industrial practice under the name of Fluidic Muscle. This technology, combined with very small and highly innovative piezo proportional valves from Festo, enable us to accurately control the designs forces and rigidity. These actuators are coordinated by state-of-the-art mechatronic systems and software.
Extending the system of sensors of Airics_arm, e.g. with cameras or elements for tactile perception, is just as plausible as the development of a design for a back, hip and neck. These extensions will also play an important role in robotics as even more dangerous and hazardous situations in technology could be assigned to them.