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  1. 2009/11/4
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  1. 2009/11/4
  2. 人气(4232)
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立体鼹鼠机在不久的将来会在技术培训中发挥重要的作用。这些备有电脑芯片的立方体可以紧密接连接在一起。鼹鼠机之间可以相互沟通交流。能量和信号从一个立体鼹鼠机传递给下一个,这样也保证了能量的供应以及信号的传递。年轻人可以用这种机器给自己制造的机器人编程。Molecubes – an attractive programmable robotics system Molecubes could play a significant role in technical training in the near future. These cubes, fitted with computer chips, can be successively attached to each other. Each Molecube communicates with all the other cubes; the energy supply and transmission of signals from one Molecube to the next are thereby ensured. Young people can use the Molecubes to build and program their own robots.
  1. 2009/10/31
  2. 人气(6584)
  3. 星级(10)
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iFab——3D 印刷技术
3D印刷?听起来好像是未来的一个愿景与快速原型法一直存在于工业生产中。由于iFab技术,在客厅就能将自己的产品印出来这中以前不可能实现的想法现在已经逐渐成为现实。无论是塑料制品或者巧克力,iFab都可以将各种材料印出来。iFab 3D printing Printing in three dimensions? What sounds like a vision of the future has long been industrial reality with rapid prototyping. The previously unattainable dream of being able to print ones own products in the living-room has come much closer to realisation thanks to iFab. Whether it be plastics or chocolate, iFab can process the most diverse of materials.
  1. 2009/10/30
  2. 人气(7395)
  3. 星级(10)
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仿生三角架利用了自然界中鱼鳍的结构,首次将三维空间应用到空中企鹅和水下企鹅项目中,以便实现高效和多方位的自动化。三个可扩展伸缩的金丝玻璃纤维杆降低了需要被替换的量,同时允许最大90度的运动。BionicTripod with FinGripper versatile movement and adaptive grasping The BionicTripod makes use of the bionic Fin Ray® structure, which was transferred to three-dimensional space for the first time in the AirPenguin and AquaPenguin projects for efficient, versatile automation. Three extendible and retractable filigree fibreglass rods reduce the mass to be displaced, while allowing a maximum scope of movement of up to 90 degrees.
  1. 2009/10/29
  2. 人气(6088)
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USB设备的软件设计主要包括两部分:一是USB设备端的单片机软件,主要完成USB协议处理与数据交换以及其它应用功能程序(比如A/D转换、MP3解码等)。二是PC端的程序,由USB通信程序和用户服务程序两部分组成,用户服务程序通过USB通信程序与系统USBDI(USB Device Interface)通信,由系统完成USB协议的处理与数据传输。
  1. 2009/10/28
  2. 人气(5440)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
  1. 2009/10/27
  2. 人气(8823)
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  4. 评论(1)
MEMS继电器 ME-X动画演示
精密复合超小型技术系统 PIMITES放大高密度贴装于IC测试仪及测量仪器电路板上的“ME-X”,并通过CG图像显示了根据衔铁跷跷板平衡结构运动而形成的信号流动情况。MEMS继电器 ME-X融合了松下电工长期以来培育的机械继电器技术与MEMS技术的、米粒大小的MEMS高频继电器具有长4.0mm、宽2.5mm、高1.3mm的超小型尺寸、100mw的低耗电量最大的特点是,通过采用电磁驱动方式,确保了高可靠性由于满足最大6GHz的高频带宽,因此可以用于IC测试仪及测量仪器 .
  1. 2009/10/26
  2. 人气(6520)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
单轴加速度传感器 GS1(静电容量方式)动画演示
这个CG图像显示了施加加速度后、砝码的运动情况。单轴加速度传感器 GS1(静电容量方式)是通过施加加速度,使砝码产生运动,导致电极板梳齿间的静电容量发生变化,并将这一变化转换成电压输出的传感器将温度引起的灵敏度、偏置电压的偏差控制在了最小限度,并通过与数字微调专用IC组合,实现了高精度的加速度检测主要用于汽车导航系统及侧滑防止装置等的车载用途及液晶投影仪的修正及电梯等的民用用途 .
  1. 2009/10/26
  2. 人气(4972)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
airPenguin –空中企鹅——自动飞翔的机器企鹅. 随着空中企鹅的问世, Festo公司的工程师们创造了人造企鹅,并教会他们“在空中自主飞行”。为此,控制和调节技术进一步发展成自我调节生物机电一体化系统,该系统可以在今后的生产适应性发挥作用。 一组3只自动飞行的企鹅自由盘旋在空中超声发射站监控下的固定区域。企鹅能够自由的在这个空间内移动,因为一个微控制器赋予了他们自由的意志来以开拓这片空间。 autonomously flying robotic penguins With the AirPenguins, the engineers from Festo have created artificial penguins and have taught them "autonomous flight in the sea of air". For this purpose, control and regulating technology had to be further developed into self-regulating biomechatronic systems, which could also play a future role in adaptive production. A group of three autonomously flying penguins hovers freely through a defined air space that is monitored by ultrasound transmission stations. The penguins are at liberty to move within this space; a microcontroller gives them free will in order to explore it.
  1. 2009/10/23
  2. 人气(6035)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(0)
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