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博世力士乐IndraMotion MTX micro数控教程-Rexroth Automation House
博世力士乐IndraMotion MTX micro数控教程 主讲:应贵华 博世力士乐电子传动与控制部门高级应用工程师。学习更多内容
  1. 2010/4/6
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第十届中国国际工业博览会工业自动化展宣传片(IAS 2008)
第十一届中国国际工业博览会工业自动化展(IAS 2008)宣传片。Industrial Automation Show!2010年11月9 - 13日,上海新国际博览中心将迎来第十一届中国国际工业博览会工业自动化展(IAS 2010)。汉诺威展览(上海)有限公司与上海世博(集团)有限公司将强强联手,放大渠道优势,整合采购资源,着力为海内外自动化制造商打造一个贸易、交流、展示的平台。预计2010年仍将有超过500家参展商。规模突破3万平方米,专业观众将超过11万。
  1. 2010/2/26
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互动壁的出现证明了一种建筑学新形式,它动感十足,互动性好。这一技术把仿生鳍条结构的优势和Festo自动化尖端技术结合起来。互动壁可以按照预先设好的动作程序运转,也可以与游客进行现场互动。它能实时把参展游客的举止转化成动作、光线和音乐。 InteractiveWall – a trade fair system reacts to visitors InteractiveWall demonstrates a new form of architecture that is dynamic and interactive. It combines the advantages of the bionic Fin Ray structure with state-of-the-art automation technology from Festo. InteractiveWall can either follow a predetermined sequence of movements or interact with people in front of it. It transforms the behaviour of trade fair visitors into motion, light and music in real time.
  1. 2009/12/9
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音乐发声机The Sound Machines
在 2007年汉诺威工业博览会上,五个自动发声机为开幕式伴奏音乐,这大大得力于Festo公司的技术。发声机中所运用的气动装置和PLC与它们过去在工业自动化中的用途完全不同。在这里它们为科技和音乐架起了桥梁。 布景设计师兼机器人艺术家Roland Olbeter 开发制造了这套独一无二的“音乐发声机”,由四重奏电弦和一个鼓组成。四个弦乐器的声音和功用与电吉他相差无几,不同的是每个弦乐器上面只有一根弦。 每个音乐机中都使用了21个Festo公司生产的微柱体。这些微气柱体仿音乐家左手的机械运动,并通过弦长来决定音高。在鼓上的那些微柱体制动着多个鼓槌和一个爵士乐刷。 澳大利亚作曲家Elena Kats-Chernin为2007年汉诺威工业博览会特别创作了“湛蓝天空”(Fast Blue Air)。这首曲子进一步开发了音乐发声机的声音范围,甚至连气动装置产生的噪音也包括在内。 音乐程序储存于乐器数字接口文件(MIDI files)中。乐声是通过三个步骤产生的。第一步是“数字化”,这时的音乐发声机由PLC控制。第二步,气动元件像吉他手一样拨动琴弦或者像弦乐器音乐家一样击打琴弦来使琴弦震动发声。第三步,乐声像电吉他一样由电子接收器接受并扩大。由此,音乐发声机可以产生各种不同的音乐效果。 Five automated sound machines provided musical accompaniment for the opening celebrations at the Hannover Messe 2007 – thanks to technology from Festo. Pneumatic components and a PLC control system were applied very differently from the way they are used in industrial automation; they created a bridge between technology and art.
  1. 2009/12/3
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仿生材料分类闸Bionic material sorting gate
鳍条效应也适用于自动化最基本的实际应用中。使用Festo的仿生材料分类闸,以Festo的流体肌肉为致动器,一步程序就可以把材料系统地分成七部分。The Fin Ray Effect can also be used in basic practical applications in automation. Seven parts can be systematically sorted in a single procedure with the bionic material sorting gate from Festo, with Festo fluidic muscles as actuators.
  1. 2009/12/2
  2. 人气(6474)
  3. 星级(10)
  4. 评论(1)
Windows Embedded 和 Microsoft 的灵活可靠的制造业解决方案
世界顶级设备和系统的制造商和经营者都使用 Windows Embedded 和 Microsoft 的灵活可靠的制造业解决方案。 我们会让他们为您讲述。 Hans Beckhoff(Beckhoff Automation 的常务董事)讲述关于 Windows Embedded、科学自动化以及跨越 100 微秒界限的内容。
  1. 2009/11/27
  2. 人气(4877)
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放飞风筝需要娴熟的技能,Festo公司凭借其“空中自动化风筝”首次证实运用机电学原理可以实现风筝全程自动化控制。这是其在运用流动气流核心技术上的新发展。 “空中自动风筝”包含两个分别用机电控制器操纵的双线风筝。运用伺服电机和人造风,这两个风筝就可以实现室内自动化操作。各风筝线通过快速开关阀连接到Festo公司生产的DMSP射流臂,它可以缩短风筝线的长度。如果风筝断线,通过射流臂收缩风筝线就可以使其平稳飞行。It takes a fair amount of skill to fly a kite. With its Sky_liner project, Festo has become the first company to demonstrate that fully automated control can be achieved with the aid of mechatronics, thus linking a new development to its core competency of automation using moving air. Sky_liner consists of two two-line kites, each of which is controlled using a mechatronic control unit. The two kites are operated automatically indoors, using servo motors and artificial wind. Each line is connected via fast-switching valves to a fluidic muscle DMSP from Festo, which shortens the line and counterbalances the kite by contracting when the kite breaks away. It takes a fair amount of skill to fly a kite. With its Sky_liner project, Festo has become the first company to demonstrate that fully automated control can be achieved with the aid of mechatronics, thus linking a new development to its core competency of automation using moving air. Sky_liner consists of two two-line kites, each of which is controlled using a mechatronic control unit. The two kites are operated automatically indoors, using servo motors and artificial wind. Each line is connected via fast-switching valves to a fluidic muscle DMSP from Festo, which shortens the line and counterbalances the kite by contracting when the kite breaks away.
  1. 2009/11/23
  2. 人气(7119)
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“气动机器人手臂”的灵感来源于自然界。结合机电一体化和人类仿生学模型,机器人手臂彰显了未来自动运动序列新的可行性。 “气动机器人手臂”由机器骨骼和机器肌肉组成。30块肌肉连接带动骨骼移动,包括尺骨、桡骨、掌骨和指骨以及肩关节和肩胛。这种连接技术目前还没有发明出来。 机器肌肉是Festo公司的一个产品,已经广泛应用于工业应用,叫做流体肌肉。这种技术使用了Festo公司的微型创新压力比例阀,让我们能够精确控制设计的力量和硬度。这些执行器与机电一体化系统和软件的技术水平同步。 扩展“气动机器人”的传感器系统也非常合理,就像开发后背、臀部和脖子部位一样,比如安装摄像头或者有感知能力的零件。这些扩展让机器人能够在更加危险的情况下工作发挥了重要作用。 Airics_arm is inspired by nature. Combining mechatronics and the model of human biology, the robotic arm shows new possibilities in automated motion sequences of the future. Airics_arm is equipped with artificial bones and muscles. 30 muscles move the bone structure comprising the ulna and radius, the metacarpal bones and the bones of the fingers as well as the shoulder joint and the shoulder blade; joints that are not found in the world of technology. The muscles are a product of Festo and are already widely used in industrial practice under the name of Fluidic Muscle. This technology, combined with very small and highly innovative piezo proportional valves from Festo, enable us to accurately control the designs forces and rigidity. These actuators are coordinated by state-of-the-art mechatronic systems and software. Extending the system of sensors of Airics_arm, e.g. with cameras or elements for tactile perception, is just as plausible as the development of a design for a back, hip and neck. These extensions will also play an important role in robotics as even more dangerous and hazardous situations in technology could be assigned to them.
  1. 2009/11/20
  2. 人气(10478)
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  4. 评论(3)
玩溜溜球需要技巧和耐心。通过YoYo系统,Festo证明了在机电元件的帮助下,加上Festo利用流动空气的核心自动化竞争力,能实现全自动控制。 YoYo由3个独立的溜溜球组成,其规格也各不相同,分别为16, 20 和24。所有溜溜球均采取不同种类的麦克斯韦转轮,每一个均由气动肌腱驱动。 Playing with a yo-yo takes skill and patience. With its YoYo, Festo has demonstrated that fully automated control can be achieved with the aid of mechatronics, thus linking with Festo core competency of automation to using moving air. The YoYo consists of three independent yo-yos of different sizes, 16, 20 and 24. All the yo-yos take the form of Maxwell wheels of various kinds, with each one being driven by a pneumatic muscle.
  1. 2009/11/19
  2. 人气(6179)
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2009年11月3日上午,2009中国国际工业博览会在上海新国际博览中心拉开帷幕。尽管受经济危机影响,2009年整个自动化市场都比较低迷,奥托尼克斯却保持着迅速的市场增长,取得了非常优异的业绩。作为世界领先的传感器仪表产品供应商,此次奥托尼克斯携其全系列产品盛装亮相工博会,高品质、高技术含量的产品、成熟的市场应用受到了参观者的一致好评,展台上络绎不绝的参观交流也映衬了这一点。 在此次工博会上,奥托尼克斯采用大面积特装的展台形式隆重亮相,橙色的主色调,流畅的展台结构,大气而简洁,处处展示着奥托尼克斯国际化品牌的形象。 精美的展台全方位展示了奥托尼克斯以高性能、高性价比业内闻名的接近、光电传感器,以及控制仪器仪表、步进电机、触摸屏等重要的产品。从产品性能、外观设计、产品价格等各方面满足了不同客户需求。奥托尼克斯产品在包装机械、食品加工、环保、高铁、电梯、汽车等行业的成熟解决方案现场展示,也吸引了大批客户的驻足关注,纷纷来交流沟通,同时给与了高度评价,证明了奥托尼克斯在这些市场的超强实力。 2009年奥托尼克斯除了推出PRD系列接近传感器、BJ系列光电传感器等新品外,还重点推出了TC4系列经济型温度控制器,有效的扩充了奥托尼克斯温度控制系列的产品线。通过紧密结合各行业内的优质客户,除了一直领先的传感器业务外,奥托尼克斯将控制和驱动类产品业务也做得有声有色,迅速占领了国内很大的一部分市场。 本次中国国际工业博览会上的完美亮相,直观的向广大客户展示着成功发展的奥托尼克斯;锐意进取的奥托尼克斯。伴随着中国自动化市场的复苏,我们将会在更多的工业现场中看到奥托尼克斯的身影。 详细文字报道
  1. 2009/11/17
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