Fluke-700SW DPC/TRACK software includes an instrumentation data-base that makes it easy to manage your instrumentation, create and schedule tests, load and unload the 743, print a variety of standard reports, and manage calibration data. DPC/TRACK is available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Print standard reports automatically. The software assembles pre-formatted reports from your database files, saving time and reducing errors. Reports include calibration certificates, instruments due for calibration, inventory characteristics, calibration histories, calibration procedures, and traceability to instruments touched. User-defined lists enable technicians to select reasons for work, problems found, and actions taken from lists you define. These lists work with your application software to automatically generate a complete record of calibration results and actions that can fulfill documentation requirements for ISO-9000 and other quality regulations. 型号名称描述 700SW DPC/TRACK 软件
FDA 要求制药行业严格执行PAT指南中所述的实时过程控制。这样做的目的是获得可靠、稳健的过程。在化学合成制成API过程中,pH值/ORP 可归为关键过程参数,梅特勒-托利多可根据不同的过程条件(例如,存在有机溶剂和催化剂、固体和腐蚀性气体的环境)提供一系列高性能的pH传感器。整个测量系统包括pH或ORP传感器、外壳和变送器,它们都通过认证符合在危险区域工作的资格。